Adam Panagos / Engineer / Lecturer
Time-Domain Analysis of Signals and Systems: System Stability
System stability can be determined from analyzing the system impulse response or transfer function. The videos below show several examples.
Continuous-Time LTI System Stability
Running Time: 1:44
The total response examples we worked previously show how the system response is highly dependent on the characteristic modes of the system. We define system stability in this video based on characteristic mode behavior, e.g. the location of characteristic roots in the complex plane.
The three classes of stability defined include stable, unstable, and marginally stable. We show a variety of examples of how location of the characteristic roots determines the zero-state response of the system (i.e. its stability).
Continuous-Time LTI System Stability Examples
Running Time: 5:52
The previous video defined system stability in terms of the systems characteristic root locations in the complex plane. This video works a variety of examples where systems described in the time-domain by a differential equation are analyzed to determine their characteristic root locations n the complex plane and resulting system stability classification.