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Introduction and Review
This series of videos provides a brief introduction to the course. The videos also review material from continuous-time linear systems and put this previous material into context with what you'll learn in this discrete-time linear systems course.



Running Time: 9:27

This series of videos provides a brief introduction to the course. The videos also review material from continuous-time linear systems and put this previous material into context with what you'll learn in this discrete-time linear systems course.



Running Time: 8:44

This class examines discrete-time signals in several different domains, most importantly the frequency domain and z-Domain. This video overviews these domains and relates them to the transform domains you previously studied in continuous-time linear systems classes such as the Laplace domain.



Running Time: 16:54

This video provides a brief overview of transforms that you should already be familiar with from your previous work in continuous-time linear systems.

Special Functions


Running Time: 10:18

This video reviews and defines several special functions that are often used in linear systems such as the unit step function, ramp function, and sinc function.

Convolution Integral


Running Time: 15:45

One of the key operations learned during your continuous-time linear systems course was the convolution operation. We'll need to use convolution soon when we start discussing sampling. As such, this video provides a short review of the convolution integral via a simple example.

Convolving Finite Width Signals


Running Time: 5:27

When performing convolution of finite width signals it usually nice to know where the final signal will start and stop. This example works through the convolution of two finite width signals to understand where the signal will start/stop by determining where the resulting convolution must be zero.

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